Resources For Promotion!
Get resources for promotion
There are numerous promotion resources that are provided for you to boost:
Affiliate link
The Affiliate link is shown on the Dashboard, which is the first thing you see when you log in to your ambassador account.

Whenever a customer clicks on the affiliate link and makes a purchase (or tracked by cookie), You will get a commission upon 10% or more!
Can be store credit or Paypal!
Beside the auto-generated affiliate link, ambassadors can also generate a specific link for a specific product.

Also, you have an option to Generate referral link with source,

Plus, social sharing buttons are visible and super handy for you to share on your social accounts.
Coupon code
Each ambassador is assigned with one or multiple coupons. Whenever a customer buys and applies the coupon, you will get a commission.
Media assets
As mentioned before, ambassadors can approach banners, logos or other images that are shared by us, you can then publish them on your channels in order to create more appealing ambassador content.